Saturday, October 27, 2018

Setting - An important element of Creative Writing

Storytelling is one of the great form of expression of thoughts and ideas. From the ancient days, we all have been practicing sharing anecdotes with our friends and families. There is interesting exchange of anecdotes in informal or formal setting which always excites and charms the listener. It is said that humor added in our story shakes the indifferent from the stupor. So everyone adds their own uniqueness in every tale they share. The foremost element that captures attention in addition to the elements that we are going to read further is our own charm or uniqueness of story-telling. Same applies to Story-writing. A well-defined or written story should have necessary elements which will entice the reader to go further and shove it away. Every element is unique in creative writing. Each holds a significance that will highlight the stories and make it complete.

To mention, story-writing, as a whole, has elements namely plot, character, setting, conflict, resolution and theme. The six elements come together to create a promising story. But it has often left me to ponder that which one is very crucial and which will take the story ahead. Without which the reader will miss the major part in the story. And that thought made me study further on this subject and that led me to write this article.

How significant is ‘Setting as an element’?

Travel is cathartic

Travel is liberating. It is a great escape from the routine life and mundane tasks. What is life without some amount of travel at regular intervals? Travel gives a chance to explore our child as well as wild side. It liberates, cleanses our soul and give us new enthusiasm to take on life ahead. And that is how we look at the element ‘Setting’. It is often a delightful element to write as well as read.

We all are Nomads by heart.

Place plays an important role in a story. Historically we have been nomads and that part of us is very much alive even now and always it shall be. We have the insatiable wander-lust which raises its curious head most of the times. Be it an escape from the mundane life or going for an adventure ride or to discover oneself, we all want to discover new places and weave new stories through them. We don’t hesitate to take the road less travelled and create a new story out of them. Making our journey to remember through penning down its uniqueness, is what most of us want to do.

We bring in that quality in our reading too. We always look for the places mentioned in the books and that which protagonist travels and spends their time in. The place which technically called as ‘Setting’ is thus weaved in a manner that will entice and enrich the imagination of a reader.

We put ourselves in the place we write

Every person writes and describes the place through their own lenses. The place holds a personality of a writer and it totally exhibits the uniqueness of that writer. May it be a beach, any hill side destination, or a garden, the writer puts himself in the location he is choosing to write on. So Setting gives a chance to put oneself on print.

Because we cannot travel always

Travel is not something we can do always. We have our work-life, deadlines, school pressures, household chores to look after, pay bills and the list never ends. Though it is always looked up as delightful escape from the slew of chores and activities mentioned, we cannot do it every now and then. For some it is always categorized as luxury or privilege and not a necessary item. In that case, reading put all our worries to rest. It cures our temptation to travel in a subtle way. We follow the sights the writer has explored, the culture that he/she comes across on his travel and those verdant or fetching landscapes. All through the ‘description of setting’. All through the sight transformed to words of the writer. Not able to travel always is balanced out by reading a nice book full of engaging descriptions of places.

Setting as a first element

We all watch movies. Even the visual communication aims to put setting as a first segment in the story. Some of the best movies start with describing the location without any dialogue. The simple image of birds chirping with the warmth of the sun blanketing the village or a busy urban life shown with sea of humanity walking without meeting each other’s eyes, or an airport scene with chaos. Many movies brim with the element of setting coming first in the order. It cannot always mean the geography or contours of the story but also means much more than what one can imagine. “One shouldn’t appeal for attention, your performance should command it.” As the saying goes, Setting never appeals for attention from the reader or viewer but its description will always turn the reader to come hunting for it. Thereby engaging him/her with the story it will take ahead. The curiosity in the cat gets never killed by the setting but the imagery used in it will always make the reader wanting more.

At the outset, Setting is very important in creative writing. It is the time and place where a scene occurs. It can help set the right tone, influence the behavioral pattern of the characters, time-travel, visualize the scene, and set an emotion to the story. A lovely setting shown on the cover page always makes a reader pick up the book immediately. It is like many tools packed on a beautiful case. The other elements are packed and neatly enclosed with the lovely case called setting.

Friday, October 12, 2018

The Yellow Chrysanthemums

On a silver shady night, when on a road
So many thoughts flooded my mind
The visage of the snowy ball that was on board
Winked at me sitting far away in the heaven’s abode

I stayed unmoved and untouched

The memories swept over me,  
Swirling wind brought the sudden rain
Clambering all the way down from the clouds
With a determined promise though
To heal the hot soil and remove its pain

I stayed unmoved and untouched

Rains in November, I could not fathom
Even when it brought lovely outcomes
Playing with the paperboats, the merry hearted children
Pushed and pulled each other in the downpour
Ripples in the water shone in the white light
Like the summer of good memories in the darkest night

I stayed unmoved and untouched
Awashed with water, the path smelled freshness
The trail of lights snaking their way in the inky darkness
Everything felt calm in my senses
Until you came with your traces
Became heavy the air, the lush green filled by yellow
Breathing your soul into me, you had me mellowed
No more dry my eyes were, my neck craned at the view
The verdant landscape did not touch me, only you do

The weight of responsibility thrust on me
To swallow the bitter pill of my past
With the matrimony that left me with a wound
And landed me like a photo on a wall, lonely and downcast

All of these you brought me, then and there
I accepted life was uncertain and not fair

Now I assertively say that my life is not bare

Kissing the sky. Racing sun moved towards the thicket of dark
Occupying each tree and shoots, walking with shoulders square
Playing new music and signaling new day
Your yellow hands beckon, I born again in your each wave

A Strap That Stripped My Struggle And Taught Me Life Lessons

The recent trip to lingerie shop gave me a much needed insight towards life. Yes you heard it right. Lingerie shop!

So here the saga goes,

I have always had been in search of good bras which could give me a correct fit and comfort. And I found it really hard to get one. It was like discovering oneself or to an answer to much sought after question “Does god exists?” The argument is still on. So is the search for truth. The truth here being “Is there any correct fit for my cleavage? Can they ever feel home? I will tell you my encounter with the varied set of bras. Some act like they follow strict guidelines but the minute I get busy hanging out with my schedule, they let my cleavage leap out providing it a freedom. Putting their hashtag ‘breakfree’. Some don’t have strong support system and putting the straps at place becomes another routine work like keeping the tucked hair at place or like the parents of brattish children. They don’t listen to you yet you yell at them. And some gives you that level of comfort where you yearn for freedom from them more than them looking out for one. They are the ones who keep my cleavage very close to my heart. Yes, Literally!

Nowadays, variety in the bra fraternity is similar to the poor alphabet A which stands for so many things. A stands for Artist, Ambedkar, Amritsar, Arjun from Mahabharat and so on. Let me tell you my daughter’s first words book’s saga. Introducing Alligator to a 2 year old toddler, can anyone beat that? A which stood elated with the position as first alphabet is now shedding tears and is feeling helpless. What happened to that fruit which kindled passion between Adam and Eve? What happened to that fruit which has a beautiful red skin all over it with a juicy interior inside? What happened to the humble fruit which enjoyed the status as label for the letter A and played in the innocent mouths of toddlers. That making it sweetest in the category of fruits. A can be nothing but Apple. There is no replacement for Apple. They are entwined with each other for eternity. A and Apple are the couple who enjoy marital bliss forever. Likewise I am in search for that ‘A’ for my Apple in the middle of thousands of options available in bra domain. The one which will keep mine stay in equilibrium and be blissfully married to my cleavage.

Coming face to face with the level of comfort teaches you many things. To name few, it helps you reflect on your struggles which you faced, before you discovered the comfort, giving your life a meaning or a bigger purpose. The comfort that I yearned and the thirst for that comfort was quenched with the right bra. In other words, nobody wants to be stuck in a relationship that is not making them happy, be it a bra or our personal relationship with people or anything in this universe.

Comfort, for many, gets translated into luxury. This is a word which is misconstrued for ages and have taken a form which is completely different from its self. According to yours truly, comfort has two levels which is basic and luxurious. My tryst with the right bra gets a place in basic comfort box. So what are we doing to achieve the level of basic comfort? Why do we put aside the goal in achieving that and toil to stay in the struggle zone forever. It is our foolishness to stay inert at many times and not aim for the comfortable zone. We may remain calm but our hearts will never be at peace. The struggle sometimes captivates us and after a point of time we forget that we ever tried to achieve the comfort.

Why keep on sulking if heaven is at the end of the tunnel? Its you who have to pass through sticky and sickly green snatches in the recess of the tunnel and reach out to the light at the end of it. So go on, step into the right shoes and walk to the path of comfort. Comfort is for one who aims to achieve it. I can understand that every person has a different definition of basic comfort and I am not denying that. But having known what would satisfy your need and pacify your wretched nerves, it is time we make that decision to smoothen the wrinkles on our path and be at peace with achieved comfort. And I am sure every person with their focused effort, can make their A meet the Apple, regardless of the size of the struggle. Like I did mine. Pun intended.

I wish to quote the words of the acclaimed author ‘Mark Manson’ from his book ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*&k’, “Nobody else is ever responsible for your situation but you. Many people may be to blame for your unhappiness, but nobody is ever responsible for your unhappiness but you. This is because you always get to choose how you see things, how you react to things, how you value things. You always get to choose the metric by which to measure your experiences.”

The Gratitudinal Shift In Our Attitude

       Gratitude is a powerful tool to unlock abundance. Appreciating the aspects around us does not come very easily, especially if you are...