Friday, August 9, 2019

Why Validate with a hug!

Smile no,  a quickened surge of excitement,
whatever but no coy word here i write
As it shakes my firmament
Maybe drawn to affection, first love that's right

But why a need to validate?
With a hug called as warm embrace

It won't smoothen the crumpled fabric
What if it might form a fabric of its own

It won't justify the broken promises of the past
What if it might make a new promise that our lifetime would want to hold

It won't unfurl the pages pressed in between the books
What if it might write a whole story on those pages leaving it untitled

Why a need to validate it?
With a hug!

It won't wipe the tears of the eyes
But it might live as a smudge of the mascara post tears

It might burn down the ashes of the physical need
What if it ignites the need of the soul?

What if makes the heart stutter,
Releasing the prisoned feelings and making it flutter

What if it would form the lump in the throat that will refuse to die down

Why,  a need to validate?
With a hug!

Why cannot it just be,
 Like the ocean lays its bare bosom to the undefile sun

Like a continuous ringing of temple gong at dawn

Let it be like the exchanges of the rain with the parched earth

Let it be

Why validate?
With a hug!

Let it be!

The Gratitudinal Shift In Our Attitude

       Gratitude is a powerful tool to unlock abundance. Appreciating the aspects around us does not come very easily, especially if you are...