June 2006 Mushraan was playing in the garden and as soon as he saw Anushree, he came running and hugged her. She planted a kiss in his cheek and took him in her arms. There was a medical breakthrough that time. Plague drugs got a nod in the market and the epidemic had a cruel death due to the invention of effective medicines. Pfizer came into the limelight again as it emerged as a leading player in the market due to the invention of plague medicine. Arjun was impressed and he was certified as Champion leader. He thought Anushree was responsible for the success as she had put in enormous efforts for this theory to work out. The experiments, the conversation to the various drug companies, getting data from the market would not be easier if it was not for Anushree. Arjun thought he would surprise her with a dinner treat. His cell beeped. Smilingly, he answered the call, His face changed the color. He donned the jacket and immediately stormed out of his office. He was...